Sept/Oct 2020 Report
The society finally got started in mid-July at the President’s Meeting. This was held at Kingswood, our President’s (Pip Burley’s) club – or more accurately, one of them – and the weather was perfect; warm but not unpleasantly so, and just right for a Covid-compliant gathering on the club’s terrace after the golf! 31 players turned up, including two former professional sportsmen in the form of Mark and Steve Coppell, and two new members, Graeme Jordan and Ali Dewji. John Mainwaring, past captain at Tandridge, attended as Roger Oldfield’s guest.
The standard of golf was generally high, with 20 players returning scores of 30 and above. Top of the tree though was Nigel Bradley, benefitting no doubt from some home course knowledge, who returned a score of 40 points, three ahead of his nearest rivals, Alan Blok and Jeremy Stanyard, Captain and vice-Captain respectively. Overall, great to be back!
The oldest trophy contested by members of the society is the Hornsey-Walker Cup, which was first presented after the 1927 annual meeting. This year the meeting, originally scheduled for May, was held in early August at Cuddington, a course which enjoys fabulous views over West London. It has also undergone several changes over recent years, notably the removal of huge numbers of trees either side of the fairways, giving it a much more open aspect.
There was another good turnout on one of the hottest days of the year, including Vic Malempre as a guest of John Gould, and again the club did us proud with both the presentation of the course and the meal afterwards, served on the terrace. Playing honours, and the cup, went to David Absalom, who scored 36 points, who narrowly beat Alan Longhurst on countback. Since Alan had reached the significant birthday earlier in the year, he won the Veteran’s Cup, which itself dates as far back as 1937 and is awarded to the leading member over the age of 65. In third place was David Hughes, just one point further back on 35, who pipped our Captain, Alan Blok, on countback.
All of the society’s matches this summer, as well as two of our main meetings, have been cancelled this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so there are no further details to report, other than that our last meeting of the curtailed season will be at Royal Ashdown in September. We will be playing their West course. There is also an Autumn Tour to South Wales.
New members, from any OW generation, and including staff and parents, are very welcome to join the society, and should contact Peter via to express their interest.
Pictured above: Alan Blok (Captain), David Absalom with the Hornsey-Walker Cup, Alan Longhurst with the Veteran’s Cup